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Thursday, November 21, 2013


A big thankyou to my reader's from all around the world,including a rather large contingent of Russian supporter's.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Rob Stevens: emmanuel nethala

Rob Stevens: emmanuel nethala: Emmanuel runs a widows and childrens orphanage in india,they need funding for supplies not only for food,clothing and medical equipment but ...to provide a roof over their heads for the small percentage of the 7 million abandoned under 14's in india

Sunday, November 3, 2013

3 horror tales released in 1 paperback



English and American price structure,America;createspace being the publisher and distributer for the dollar market ,Amazon.co.uk  the distributee governing pound sterling


Thursday, October 24, 2013

new prices for books

This is an important announcement:-  The two kindle ebooks The Tantalus;including 'paris at midnight,' have  a  re-adjusted price structure, each book, instead of the normal $1.99cents is now 99cents - 77pence per ebook ,if you have a kindle fire hd can be downloaded and paid for in one click.LOOK for
The Tantalus and The Tantalus'paris at midnight at any Amazon.com store worldwide.